Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Giddy, Really

Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts. ~Author Unknown

My boy is home for spring break. Yes, I know everyone else get's spring break next week, but there are camps scheduled and groups with reservations, so he and the rest of the interns will be working.

One of the things that I love about my boy is his ability to be a huge, goofy, dork, just like his father. For whatever reason, I find this quality endearing…most of the time. In this case, it’s just plain funny. The boy and his room mates have produced a video and while it might be a wee bit juvenile it cracks me up and it will make sweet blackmail later in life. I can just see those grandbabies laughin’! (I wonder how you post something on YouTube?)

Yesterday was the birthday of not one but two nieces. They happen to be sisters. No, they are not twins. They were born on the same day, four years apart. How wild is that?

I sent each a txt, (how personal, snicker) wishing them a happy birthday. The younger of the two sent me a txt back asking who had sent the text…I assumed it was because only my phone number was listed with the text, then I considered that perhaps she was asking who it was, knowing full well it was me, and chastising me for not keeping in better touch with her.

And that little slam is definitely well deserved! Ouch!

That slam aside, an interesting opportunity has come my way and I am giddy with excitement. Giddy. It’s a writing opportunity. Gush! But more on this later. (Annie runs around her living room, snoopy dancing, while thinking of the amazing foreseeable future!)

Really people, it’s the little thing in life that make it worth living. I have been entangled with two wee tyrants for nearly ten months. The end is in sight…the light is beginning to shine at the end of this tunnel, and my fingers are itching, itching to get busy with some words! Giddy. Really!

I’ve posted new recipe on my recipe blog (This Mom Can Cook), I have yet to pick up Html for Dummies but it’s on my list, and I have to run the delightful Miss C to her writing class. Such is the life of a homeschooling mommy.


Barrie said...

Enjoy spring week. Ours is this week too....AND next week! Yes, we get two weeks of spring break!

Looking forward to whenever you post about the new opportunity. ;)

Ice Cream said...

Ooo, I can't wait to hear about the writing opportunity.

I love that beginning line. I have many nuts in my family (I think I may be one of them). Have fun with your boy and his friends and I hope you figure out how to share the video.