She could have danced all night, if her feet hadn’t worn out, that is. Saturday was the high school graduation of one of our dear friend’s eldest daughter. I didn’t attend since I was working diligently trying to cough up a lung while reclining on the sofa (IE. I have a cold). After the ceremony the seniors had a dance party that consisted of English Country dancing and square dancing. It was well chaperoned and Miss C knew nearly everyone who was there.
For me, the fun part was listening to her recount the evening later that night. Her eyes sparkled as she told me about dancing with one young man, whom we’ve known for at least ten years, who swept her off her feet…literally. This type of dancing has very little physical contact, other than hands, and apparently when the lead (girl or boy) swings their partner around you can literally catch some air.
Her partner, Mr. K, swung her off her toes more than once. She laughed and laughed and I said, “He doesn’t realize his own strength!” She heartily agreed and went on to describe dancing with another partner who was just barely taller than she is. It was challenging to get under his upraised arms, while her arms were raised as well.
She danced with her girlfriends and danced with a few young men and as I listened to her I realized, again, that she is growing up. I thought about the future and pictured her as a bride, dancing at her wedding and realized that I have no idea how to dance and I’d better lace up my boots and figure it out!
Seriously though, the kids had a wonderful time and everyone’s feet ached from too much dancing and isn’t that a wonderful memory for them to have? Most of these graduates will be heading off to college in a few months. Their lives will change in new and divers ways. Old friendships may give way to new ones but they’ll always have that night of dancing.
And in case you have no idea what I’m talking about, here is a video showing English Country dancing. Enjoy!
1 comment:
English dancing is so much fun. I didn't know they did it in the states. All I ever hear about is square dancing and I refuse to wear those scratchy petticoats and wear Dolly Parton's cast-offs.
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