Monday, April 13, 2009



Boy is having his wisdom teeth removed in about an hour.


I need to bake a cake because tomorrow is Boy's 19th birthday.

The day after his wisdom teeth are pulled...

Um, ahem...happy birthday...

Now, where is that coffee?

The Update:

The funny thing about being put under for surgery is that you are so loopy when you arrive back at consciousness. So loopy in fact, that you'll say things you may not have meant to say out loud. You may mention things that have been on your mind.

I found Boy's comments to be highly amusing. I chuckled all the way home as he dozed in the passenger seat. I laughed aloud a couple times until I began to ponder what else might be on his mind. He's a man now and he isn't as quick to confide things like he use to. Not that he hides anything, he's simply not as forth-coming with information that he mummy might like to know.

Maybe I should ask him some probing questions before the anesthetic wears off...



Akum said...

Happy Monday..

Mike T said...

You are very mischievous, Mrs. Annie! I hope your Easter was a blessed one!

Patti said...

love the idea of careful though, you might get more than you bargained for.

also, thanks for the prayers and checking in. it did my heart good to know we were well prayed for during such a trauma.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Aha, truth serum. I wonder if I said anything during my elbow surgery.

Susan :)