Thursday, January 08, 2009

Travis Erwin & Writer Girl offers a Challenge

Before I get into today's post, I'd like to invite ya'll over to Travis Erwin'sblog. He's a great writer and I enjoy his work. However, the reason I invite you over is because last Sunday morning his house burnt down. Having lived through a house fire and losing EVERYTHING years ago, I feel his pain. Go on over and give him and the family some love. For those who are interested there is also a fund raiser going on. You can check it out HERE.

On yesterday's dismal, whiny, not-so-nice post about FIL, Teri (aka Writer Girl) suggested a challenge: do two nice things for FIL every week.




massive (and I do mean MASSIVE)eye-roll here!


She may be on to something.

The situation is hard, heck even the sound of his breathing make me crazy! Yet, I have a choice. I can decide to be a grown-up or I can choose to act like a spoiled brat whose tired of not getting her way.

I told Writer Girl that I was too tired and too crabby to think about this. That I do nice things for him all the time...excuses, excuses, excuses.

For now, I'm going back to bed (I just saw beloved off) and I'll think about this more later. It has value.

Do YOU have any thoughts?


Roo said...

Annie, you're so right. I don't take the time to hand write notes or letters either. I should do better. I even did email Christmas letters this Christmas. However, I justify that by saying I hadn't sent anything the last two years. I made up my mind that this year I was going to at least get out an email message. I hope to follow your lead this year and do a few hand written notes and letters.

Travis Erwin said...

Thanks Annie. The support of so many has helped make this trying time more bearable for my entire family.