Friday, April 11, 2008

Worth Reading

Wall Street Journal (perhaps the only time you'll see this fish wrapper on my blog) has published an article on mom bloggers. Check it out at: The Blogger Mom in Your Face


Family Adventure said...

I'd never want to be Ms. Dooce - would you?? The pressure must be ridiculously high!


Patti said...

oh to be queen....

Kiva said...
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Anonymous said...

Yep, I read it. I read Dooce faithfully when she was employed. It was hilarious, but her mom blog doesn't really ring with me any more. But $40K per month in ad revenue isn't to sneeze at. I'd much rather read yours, though.

TJ Brown said...

Wow, that is a good post. I'm just not that funny. ort I am in real life, but people already think I'm too profane for a mother. And you and i both know what happens to outsted Moms!

Becky Frame said...

Mrs. Annie, thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog! It's great to meet you. I've enjoyed perusing your blog as well.

This really is an interesting article about Dooce. I'm pretty sure the weight of that pressure would crush me flat in seconds! She's an amazon.