Sunday, September 03, 2006

She's 14 Today

Here she is! Isn't she lovely? This is my baby, my little girl, my blondie. Miss C is 14-years-old today. Where did the time go?

I distinctly remember her screaming infanthood, her clingy toddler years, and the years when her indignant screams could make your blood run cold. Yet, here she is! A beautiful young woman full of the promise of the future.

She loves Astronomy and her trampoline. Her piano playing is nothing short of amazing! Miss C has brought a special bit of sunshine to our lives and I am so happy she is my daughter.

When I think about her, I am astonished at the depth of her character and her generosity. At 14 I was still an idiot, simply chasing after boys and longing to get away from my mother! Miss C, on the other hand, isn't boy crazy and still like to join her ol' mom for coffee on Saturday mornings.

I know that there will be times in the future when we will not see eye to eye and yes there may be times when she won't like me very much. But that's okay. I know that with each passing year she and I are becoming friends and I look forward to the day when I not only call her daughter, but dear friend.

Happy birthday blondie!

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